Blog 03 3月 2021


*English to follow Japanese



世界規模でサービスを提供している戦略的PRコンサルティング会社Kekst CNC(ケクストCNC) は、日本、アメリカ、イギリス、ドイツ、スウェーデン、フランスの各1,000人、合計6,000人を対象に、7回目となる新型コロナウイルスに関する国際世論調査を実施しました(調査期間:2021211日~221日)。







今回の調査結果について、Kekst CNCのアジア地域代表および日本最高責任者であるヨッヘン・レゲヴィーは次のようにコメントしています。「国際オリンピック委員会(IOC)と日本政府は、日本国内だけでなく、世界的にも今年の東京オリンピック開催に対して強い批判的な世論に直面しています。迅速かつ包括的で目に見えるワクチン接種の進展がなければ、世界中の懸念を払拭し、観客なしの規模を縮小した東京オリンピックを開催するこさえ、ますます難しくなっているように思います。」



  • 調査対象者:         日本、アメリカ、イギリス、ドイツ、スウェーデン、フランスの18歳以上 各1,000
  • 実施期間:            2021211日~221
  • 集計結果について: 各国の年齢・性別および国内の地域的偏りを調整するために加重
  • 誤差の範囲:        +/- 3.3%(各国)



Kekst CNCについて

Kekst CNCは、世界規模でサービスを提供している戦略的PRコンサルティング会社で、全世界で展開するPublicis Groupeの一員です。Kekst CNCは、アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、中東地域、アジア地域に13拠点で250人以上からなる専門チームが、さまざまなクライアントにサービスを提供しています。

Kekst CNCの日本オフィスは 、同社におけるアジア初の拠点として2004年に東京で設立されました。以降さまざまな分野において、200社を超えるグローバル企業や日系企業、各種団体に広報戦略を提供しています。特にM&Aコミュニケーションや株主アクティビズム対応などのファイナンシャルコミュニケーション分野に強みを持ち、コミュニケーションの視点から企業変革を支援しています。



International Survey on COVID-19:
Most people in Germany, France, Sweden and the UK oppose to holding
Olympic Games in Tokyo this summer reflecting same skepticism within Japan

  • Strong rise of people willing to take coronavirus vaccine globally – including 64% in Japan
  • Only one third of global respondents think restrictions should be lifted more quickly for vaccinated people than for others – 30% in Japan

Tokyo, 3 March 2021 – The 7th Kekst CNC COVID-19 international tracking survey shows strong opposition to holding the Olympic Games in Tokyo this summer not only among the Japanese but also in major countries outside of Japan. There is strong scepticism about a quick improvement of the situation even if vaccination against the coronavirus should pick up fast.

The research, carried out among a representative sample of 1,000 adults each in the US, UK, Germany, France, Sweden and Japan (6,000 adults in total) between 11 and 21 February, shows that 56% of the Japanese are opposed to holding the Tokyo Olympics this year. The figures for those in the UK, Germany, France and Sweden against the Olympic Games this summer are only slightly lower with 55%, 52%, 46% and 37% respectively. Only in the U.S., the share of proponents and opponents are split with 33% each and another 25% undecided and 9% with no opinion.

This negative attitude about Tokyo hosting the Olympics this summer is probably closely related to a general public scepticism about lifting restrictions gradually in line with the vaccination progress.

When asked whether they support the idea of vaccine passports – where certification is needed to travel, engage in entertainment or other activities like attending large sport events – people around the world generally agree. 65% in the UK in general like the idea of vaccine passports with slightly lower figures elsewhere. Even in Japan and Germany, where approval rates are lowest, there are still 43% and 41% respectively embracing this idea in general.

However, when asked more specifically about lifting restrictions, there is much less support for doing so. Only one third of respondents from all countries think that restrictions should be relaxed sooner for vaccinated people than for non-vaccinated people. Again, the lowest approval rates for such an approach are to be found in Japan and Germany with figures of 30% and 27% respectively.

These results indicate that governments and businesses considering the introduction and use of vaccination certificates need to proceed with caution.

People around the world are not yet convinced that vaccine passports are an appropriate tool to deal with the pandemic. The Japanese are in particular cautious about easing restrictions with only 10% willing to lift restrictions if everybody over the age of 65 has been vaccinated. And even if everybody over the age of 50 has been vaccinated, this figure only rises to 13%.

One encouraging sign comes with a more positive attitude to take the vaccine, which can be observed around the world.

As vaccine rollouts have commenced, higher numbers of people in all countries surveyed say they would take the vaccine. Figures have significantly increased everywhere from the last survey in December. In Japan, the percentage of those answering they want to get vaccinated rose from 50% to 64%, which is almost the same level as in other surveyed countries.

Commenting on these findings, Jochen Legewie, Chairman Asia and Managing Director Japan of Kekst CNC, said, “The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Japanese government are facing strong public opinion against holding the Tokyo Olympics this summer, both in Japan and around the world. Without fast, comprehensive and visible progress in vaccination, it seems increasingly difficult to overcome public scepticism and even to hold a scaled-down Tokyo Olympics without spectators.”


Methodology and full results

  • Nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults each in Great Britain, Sweden, Germany, the United States, France and Japan.
  • Fieldwork took place on 11-21 February 2021.
  • Quotas and weights on gender, age and region in each country.
  • Margins of error of +/- 3.3% for all countries.

Full results of the survey available at:


About Kekst CNC

Kekst CNC is a leading global strategic communication consultancy. The team of over 250 experienced professionals serve clients from 13 offices in New York, London, Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris, Brussels, Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Stockholm.

As trusted advisors, the firm contributes its expertise on such high-stake matters as: M&A, shareholder activism and governance, crisis communications, restructurings, regulatory investigations, litigation support, investor relations, IPO communications, issues and reputation management, change management and employee engagement, as well as digital and social communications. The Tokyo office has been serving its Japanese and international clients since 2004.

For more information, please visit:


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