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Jakob Hammarskjöld

Jakob mainly assists projects in corporate communications and public affairs.

He has special interest in the tech industry, as well as sustainability issues.

He has special interest in the tech industry, as well as sustainability issues.

“This is an amazing, diverse group of people with different backgrounds, but with the shared passion of excelling and delivering to our clients. Everyone is driven, ambitious, and eager to understand the world around us. It is extremely inspiring to be surrounded by such talented individuals.”

Jakob is a Consultant based in Stockholm and joined Kekst CNC in 2021. He works mainly within corporate communications and public affairs, assisting projects and clients across multiple industries. In his time at Kekst CNC, he has worked on many of the largest mandates in Stockholm and with multiple clients from the tech industry.

In addition, Jakob has a large interest in sustainability issues and has supported multiple ESG projects. Prior to joining Kekst CNC, Jakob worked as a performance marketing consultant, advising and supporting clients on digital marketing. Jakob holds a BSc in Business & Economics and a MSc in Business & Management from the Stockholm School of Economics.


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Är generation Greta en myt?

Många har förvånats över resultatet bland unga väljare i höstens riksdagsval. 58 procent av väljarna i åldern 18–21 år lade sin röst på Ulf Kristerssons lag, enligt SVT:s vallokalundersökning. Bara M och SD fick gemensamt 48 procent av 18–21-åringarnas röster. I skolvalet – som genomförs bland högstadie- och gymnasieelever – blev resultatet snarlikt.

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What Sweden’s and Finland’s NATO Memberships Mean for Companies

What will a Swedish and Finnish NATO membership mean for companies? The answer to the question is twofold: one focusing on long-term issues, the other on the short term.

Contact Information


P.O. Box 1405

Sveavägen 24-26

SE-111 84 Stockholm
