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Melanie Göttler

Senior Associate
Melanie specializes in the areas of corporate and sustainability communications, positioning, and digital strategies across sectors.

As part of the Digital team, she supports clients with in-depth research and analysis for media, social media, and stakeholder relations strategies.

As part of the Digital team, she supports clients with in-depth research and analysis for media, social media, and stakeholder relations strategies.

“Collaborating with colleagues from all over the world, diving into a variety of topics and industries, and our analytical and data-driven approach - this is what I enjoy most about Kekst CNC.”

Prior to joining Kekst CNC, Melanie worked as a Marketing and Communications Manager at a full-service law firm, where she managed external and internal communications, and the positioning/branding of the law firm with a focus on digital marketing, social media, and events. During her studies, Melanie also gained relevant work experience in public relations and marketing on the agency side.

Melanie completed a Master of Science in Corporate Communication from the Universiteit van Amsterdam in the Netherlands, and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Science and a minor in Law from Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. She is a native German speaker and is fluent in English.


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CEO-Kommunikation auf LinkedIn

875 Mio. Nutzer weltweit, 18 Mio. davon in der DACH-Region – LinkedIn hat als wichtigste digitale Business-Plattform nicht erst seit der Pandemie einen festen Platz in der Social Media Klaviatur der Kommunikation.

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