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Victoria Douglas

Victoria has extensive experience in developing corporate communications strategies and messaging for global clients, advising clients on corporate, financial, digital and crisis mandates.

Victoria has advised on a large number of corporate reputation and financial mandates across private and public sectors, with a focus on issues management and strategic positioning.

Victoria has advised on a large number of corporate reputation and financial mandates across private and public sectors, with a focus on issues management and strategic positioning.

Victoria advises clients mainly in the areas of corporate reputation and purpose, helping companies with communications strategies, content creation, and stakeholder positioning.

Prior to joining Kekst CNC, she worked in digital communications and media relations at another agency, after spending three years with the Government of Canada working on mandates spanning infrastructure, finance, science, and social development.

Victoria holds a MSc in Strategic Communications from the London School of Economics and Political Science (London, UK); and a B.A. (Hons.) Major in Communication Studies with a Specialization in Media Industries and Institutions and a Minor in Political Science from Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) and the University of Leeds (Leeds, UK).

As well as her native English, Victoria speaks French and Italian.  


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Media Relations During COVID-19: Is There Room for Non-Coronavirus Stories?

One question we are getting a lot right now from clients is this: is there any appetite at all for non-COVID-19 stories in the news media? The pandemic is the focus for almost every company and organisation on the planet. However, by the same token, there are still many interesting initiatives going on inside those institutions that at any other time would be highly newsworthy.

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